Malayankunju Malayalam Movie Review

Picture Courtesy: Twitter The last time I had such strong emotion towards a movie was, while watching Puzhu, a spectacular movie which I recommend you to watch if you haven’t already on SonyLiv. My friends who are from outside Kerala usually presume the state to be, devoid of all the social evils like, dowry, casteism, religious divide and so on, based on the assumptions that literacy eradicates all of it. Being born and raised in a rural part of the state, I have first-hand witnessed caste based discrimination induced by several people I know. As a child with no agency, all I could do was wonder why I was prohibited from playing with some kids or going to or eating from some houses. The more years went by, I realized how strong and evil the system of caste is, in the community despite social classes. While Puzhu showcased the caste differentiation in an upper middle class to affluent community, Malayankunju shows us that things are not different in any social class. Picture Co...