Little Things 2

Little Things- Season 2 "We are not extraordinary people, we have to work hard to make our everyday special." Their story was a mess still beautiful, complicated yet understandable, heart- warming but also hurting, just like any thing related to love. The sole reason why Little Things succeeded so much was due to the highly relatable content told in a very realistic manner, gladly devoid of anything that makes it larger than life. Dhruv and Mithila were characters we could all relate to in fact they were one among us. When I heard NETFLIX adopting the show, at first, I was excited, but I was equally sceptical of the prediction that this would impact the show in a positive way. My fears came true, Little Things season 2 is grand, too much evident of the production support they received but moments reminiscent of season 1 are the only thread holding the plot together. Don’t get me wrong, LT Season 2 is equally watchable and keeps its audience engaged. ...